Saturday, September 30, 2023

परम शिव।

 परम शिव। 

कश्मीर शैव दर्शन में ३६ तत्वों से बने इस सृजन की भूमिका में परम शिव के प्राकट्य को, शिव शक्ति सामरस्य को; इच्छा, ज्ञान, क्रिया, चिद्, आनंद क्रम से समझाया गया है। 

लेकिन बड़ी मुश्किल है इस क्रम को समझने की।

इच्छा किसे होगी? जिसे भान होगा। जिसे अपने होने का ज्ञान होगा। ज्ञान भी एक प्रकार से शांत स्थिति में स्पन्द है, इसलिए सूक्ष्म क्रिया है। अगर चिद् (चेतन) नहीं हो तो उसमें इच्छा, ज्ञान, क्रिया संभव ही नहीं। आनंद तो उसका स्वभाव है शांत भी और ललित रस किलोलें। 

इसलिए कौन प्रथम और कौन बाद में तय करना मुश्किल है। पाँचों एक साथ क्यूँ नहीं? पंच वही परमेश्वर। 

क्रम को छोड़ अक्रम में जाना ठीक होगा क्योंकि हमारी हर इच्छा, ज्ञान, क्रिया, चेतना, आनंद का मूल स्रोत परम शिव ही है जो शक्ति स्वरूप बन प्रकट है। 

शिव पूर्ण है। 

पूर्ण से पूर्ण ही प्रकटता है। 

अपूर्ण कहाँ? 


३० सितंबर २०२३

नींद और मृत्यु।

नींद और मृत्यु। 

कल का दिन थकानेवाला था। उम्मीदवारों को प्रश्न पूछते पूछते हम ही थक गये। घर लौटे तब सर में भारी दर्द था। थोड़ा सा ध्यान किया, चित्त को स्थिर किया जिससे राहत हुई लेकिन खाने में भाकरी शाक के स्वाद पर ध्यान न रहा। रात के ९.३० होते ही हम सोने चले गए। नींद आ नहीं रही थी। थोड़े से पैर दायें-बायें करने की हल्की कसरत की और शवासन लगाया। फिर कब सो गये पता नहीं चला। 

सुबह जब ३.३० बजे नींद खुली तब लगा कि किसी गहरे प्रशांत सागर से अभी बस बाहर आ रहे है। शवासन से जागने तक बीच क्या हुआ पता ही नहीं। न देश था, न काल था। जागा तब पता चला की मैं तो था। मैं नहीं होता तब यह देशातीत, कालातीत, शांत अवस्था का अनुभव किसे होता? लेकिन मन, बुद्धि, अहंकार सब ग़ायब थे। उसको जैसे उठकर जगाना पड़ा, भैया जागो, भोर हुई, बाहर आपका संसार पुकार रहा है। 

मृत्यु भी कुछ ऐसी ही होगी। मुझे मृत्यु का अनुभव नहीं। क्या इसलिए कि मैं अमर हूँ? 

एक गहरी नींद होगी जिससे फिर उस शरीर से नहीं उठना है। शरीर तो पंचमहाभूत के पंच तत्वों में विसर्जित हो जाएगा लेकिन मैं कहाँ जाऊँगा? कहाँ रहूँगा? क्या जिसे मैं, मैं कहता हूँ वह मेरे मन, बुद्धि, चित्त, अहंकार से बना सूक्ष्म शरीर कहीं रहेगा? क्या वह भी जैसे भौतिक शरीर का पंच भूतों में विलय हुआ, समष्टि ईश्वर (चेतना) के सूक्ष्म शरीर में विसर्जित हो जाएँगे? 

यह पृथ्वी मृत्युलोक है, और जीवलोक भी। यहाँ हर पल मौत होती है और नया जीवन सृजन होता है। इसलिए, जब कोई संयोग होगा तब जैसे मैं आज नींद से जागा, मृत्यु के बाद एक नये शरीर को धारण कर जाग्रत होने की संभावना बनी रहती है। ऊर्जा का नाश नहीं होता परिवर्तन होता है। चित्त की उत्क्रांती जारी है। आरोह क्रम पूरा होते ही सूक्ष्म का कारण में विलय होगा। तब यह लीला का अंत होगा और मैं, मैं (पूर्णोहं) बन ठहर जाऊँगा। 

न ठहरूँ, तब भी मैं, मैं (पूर्णोहं) हूँ। 

अजर, अमर, सनातन। 😊


३० सितंबर २०२३

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Whole (पूर्ण)

 Whole (पूर्ण) 

There are trillions of galaxies in this universe/s. The theory of beginning with Big Bang (cosmic bomb explosion) and its expanding and probable ending with pulling it back with the Big Crunch, there is fine tuning on the earth where we and other creatures exist, watch and review this creation mystery and are searching for its creator. 

Can this be accidental? 

Life on this earth itself is less than 1 chance in trillions. The scientific research of searching for the building blocks of the universe leads towards the direction of creation from nothing which the Buddha, Vedanta, Biblical, Islam and others are telling since ancient time. 

If there is bigining, there is creator, the designer. Einstein called the genius behind the universe “an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.” He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. 

There is language in life. Molecular biologists have discovered intricately complex design in the microscopic world of DNA. The DNA is the “brains” behind each cell in our bodies as well as every other living thing. A mere pinhead of DNA contains infinite information and DNA operates like a language with its own extremely complex software code; far, far more complex than any software we have ever developed. 

Is DNA his fingerprint? 

Think of the intelligence behind the coding of the DNA. The software of the DNA leads to its creator. 

Without him, how could I write and communicate and you read and understand? May call him चैतन्य, awareness, consciousness, but the creator is there as omniscient, omnipotent and omnipotent; present as the visible expression of the invisible. 

Gita calls it the facets of the divine. ममैवांशो जीवलोके जीवभूतः सनातनः। मन:षष्ठानीन्द्रियाणि प्रकृतिस्थानि कर्षति ||

(BG. 15.7). The embodied souls (जीव) and elements (भूत) in this world (जीवलोक) are my eternal facets. But bound by material nature, they are struggling with the six senses including the mind. Here, Gita talks about the individual self (limited I) which is bound by nature to display itself in limits of the instrument (physical body) but the projector has no limitations. Oxygen is a life line for each individual but thr diatomic oxygen as an element is plentiful. Similarly, the Chaitanya/Awareness within us looks limited to our ego but Brihadaranyaka Upnishad explains it as a whole ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते। पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते॥That is full, this is also full, from fullness comes that fullness, taking fullness from fullness, fullness indeed remains. Each of us is whole, eternal. 

Neither we born nor die. We as चैतन्य are eternal. Stay on this true identity. The Whole, one without second, अद्वैत. 


28 September 2023

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Meditation and Study

 Dhyan Abhyas 

Meditation and Study

What is composed at the time of birth will be decomposed after death. But the eternity within remains as it is. Therefore, the learning is not aimed at to become special but to become a commoner, to know thyself, the true self, that we and the creatures and creation around is made of the same material the Shakti of Shiva. 

None is superior or inferior. एक नूर ते सब जग उपजा सब कोई उसके बंदे. 

The word ध्यान is made of Sanskrit dhatu घी meaning understanding, intellect. It means jhana in Pali. The study of scriptures and meetings or interacting with Sadhakas therefore is like refining the edge of our knife (intellect) with which we can cut down the net of Maya (illusionary vision) and see the Shakti in its true form. 


24 September 2023

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Bharat is ancient

Bharat is ancient

The name भरत first referred in Rigveda as Bharata (भरता), means one who nurtures. दण्डाइवेन्द्रोअजनास आसन्परिच्छिन्ना भरता अर्भकासः। अभवच्च पुरएता वसिष्ठ आदित्तृत्सूनां विशो अप्रथन्त। (RV.7.33.6). The Bharata (भरता) tribe were inferior and shorn of their possession like the staves for driving cattle; but Vasiṣṭha joined them with his men (tritsu) as priest, with whom their (Bharata) strength increased.

As per the story of Rigveda Indra with the help of the divine power of Sage Vashishtha (and his men Tritsu) saved King Sudas. Sudas fought a battle against ten kings on the bank of river Parushni (probably Ravi) and became victor. It suggests that India was a land of Bharata and other tribes but the kings of Bharata tribe succeeded in establishment of their kingdoms over North India, therefore, the land of Aryavarta got the name Bharata (भरता). 

The son of King Dushyant and Shakuntala in this race was named Bharat (भारत) who became very famous. Kauravas and Pandavas were descendants of this Bharat King/tribe. The word Bharat is used 22 times for the descendants of Bharat in Gita of Mahabharata. Sanjay used it twice for addressing Dhritraashtra and Shre Krishna used it 20 times for Arjuna. Bharat (descendant of Bharat) was used in verses 1.10 and 1.24 for Dhritraashtra and in verses 2.14, 2.17, 2.28, 2.30, 3.25, 4.7, 4.42, 7.27, 11.6, 13.3, 13.34, 14.3, 14.4, 14.8, 14.9, 14.10, 15.19, 15.20, 16.1, 16.3, 16.3, 18.62 for Arjuna. 

Vishnu Purana has described a geographical location as Bharat. It reads, उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्य हिमाद्रेश्चैव दक्षिणम्। वर्षं तद् भारतं नाम भारती यत्र सन्ततिः॥meaning, the country that lies to the north of the ocean and to the south of the snowy mountains is called Bharata as there dwell the descendants of Bharat.

Vedas were composed between 1200 to 1500 BCE. Mahabharata was composed between 3rd century BC to 3rd Century AD. Vishnupuran was estimated to be composed between 1st century to 9th century AD. 

All the three sources are in Sanskrit. Linguistically, Vedas were written in Vedic Sanskrit (invented 12-15 centuries BCE) and Gita and Vishnu Purana were written in Classical Sanskrit (invented 4th century BCE). Therefore, the name of this country as Bharat, as descendants of Bharat or the land between the mountains and ocean/sea is very ancient. 


13 September 2023

Saturday, September 9, 2023



There is lot of uproar and debate on Sanatana Dharma in India. In physics and chemistry, the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant; it is said to be conserved over time. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another.

Indian Philosophies (Darshanas) believe in the eternity of the existence as union of Purusha and Prakriti. We believe in the eternity of Universal Soul (Ishwara) and Individual Soul (Jeeva). We believe in rebirth theory by evolution of the life in 8.4 million species excelled from fish to Human on the earth. 

As nothing can be destroyed, we believe that the individual soul travels from one body to another. But to justify the inequality of one’s physical, mental, social and cultural state in present birth, the ancient sages propagated the theory of karma (action) and declared that the difference is as an outcome of our actions in previous births. We have been told to be careful of the actions in present life so that we can improve upon our status of life in next birth. If somebody wants to quit the cycle of birth and rebirth, there is a path of renunciation, to acquire knowledge of true self and merge into the universal soul the Ishwara. The eternity of the soul/energy therefore doesn’t destroyed in Indian Sanatan Dharma. But who can prove that the varnas, castes, social customs, rituals, etc, are eternal? None. 

How great is the creation of the earth with biosphere and an average temperature of 17 degrees Celsius that life exists. We are yet to find traces of life on other planets. But in spirituality, all celestial objects are considered as body of the Supreme and therefore there is life in each one of them. The Universe/s are the limbs and the expansions and contractions of it/them is the play of the Almighty. 

Therefore, what is eternal, it can’t be destroyed. The Indian darshanas believe in this eternality of God and its creation, and it is called the Sanatan Dharma. But those who don’t get out of the beliefs of caste system of unequal by birth as upper and lower can’t be called Sanatani. The Varnas are dynamic and history has recorded many interchanges within the system.

It was believed that education would bring awareness amongst the new generation and would kill the demon of inequality but it seems that the educated new generation may be in need of some more time/decades to come out of the illusionary imprisonment of the orthodoxy. 

Yajurveda Shanti Mantra, ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात् पूर्णमुदच्यते। पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते॥states energy conservation law in the most fundamental level. वह पूर्ण है, और यह (ब्रह्मांड) पूर्ण है। पूर्ण से पूर्ण की प्राप्ति होती है। पूर्ण से पूर्ण (ब्रह्मांड) की पूर्णता लेते हुए भी वह पूर्ण रूप में रहता है। That is the whole, this is the whole. From wholeness emerges wholeness. Wholeness coming from wholeness, wholeness still remains.

Because, there is only one platform (अद्वैत), one without second, the Brahman. 

There is difference amongst the three: Brahman, Brahmana and Bhramana. Brahman is eternal. Brahmana is orthodox religion and Bramana is illusions around which we wander.😊


9 September 2023

NB: If Soul is not energy in the scientific sense the law of conservation doesn’t apply to soul.

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