Monday, April 25, 2016

Human Liver in Danger

Human Liver in Danger

Liver is a Chemical Plant of our body. It is a vital gland important for detoxification, proteins synthesis, production of bio chemicals for digestion, regulation of glycogen storage, hormone production, Cholesterol synthesis, triglyceride production, rbc decomposition, etc. It plays a major role in carbohydrate, protein, amino acid, and lipid metabolism. It is a store room of glycogen, Vitamins (A, B12, D, K), iron and copper.

It is a wonderful organ made from water (85 %). It is the only organ of the body that can regenerate, is able to replace the tissue with new cells. Provided that the damage is less and generation is more.

Fatty liver, hepatitis and cirrhosis are the major liver diseases found in present generation.

Who damage the liver?

Food, drugs and alcohol damages the liver. Alcoholic invites cirrhosis. Drugs like paracetamol and cancer drugs can damage the liver. 

But when I found one of our teetotaler Additional Collectors facing cirrhosis, my mind puzzled. People living simple and fit life are facing diabetic.   Postmenopausal women become diabetic as their store room (liver) of glycogen doesn't work. They carry high triglycerides. Their compressor like cholesterol maker doesn't stop and go on making cholesterol 24x7, crossing all lipid boundaries and make them vulnerable to heart diseases. The cholesterol turns into gall stones obstructing the ways of bile from liver to intestines creating digestive disorders.

Alcohol and drugs can be understood as damager of liver but how could food damage the liver?

This reminds me the advice of Yudhisthir in Mahabharata to eat vegetables, once in a week only. After independence, and more after TV entered into our life, we propagate more and more use of vegetables so that we receive necessary vitamins and minerals for better health. India of Dal-Roti or Dal-Rice has been transformed into a country of Sabji-Roti and oily food. Non vegetarian food costs more, therefore, people in general eat more vegetables. 

Isn't it good? No and Yes. 

Why no? 

Because farmers are using more and more chemical fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides in cultivating vegetables. We preach non-violence but kill insects in billions to get spotless vegetables. They look good and attractive but carry the chemicals of the drugs used by the farmers. And this is the killer of our liver. 

The answer is Yes if we consume organic vegetables.

Our richness has come to our food by way of oil, butter and ghee. Excessive intake of fat is making the liver tired of secreting bile and getting fatty. 

Better are the Rajasthanis. They eat more rotala and eat vegetables like chatani. My wife was tired cooking rotala for 5 Rajasthani workers, fitting stones at my father's house 2 decades ago. Generally, they cook their food themselves. I thought, they will work more and complete the work speedily if I arranged their food. But they proved me wrong. They delayed their stay as the rotala made by my wife were tasty. 5 persons can easily consume 10 kg flour in 2 days. 

The fiber of the grains and nutrients make them hardworking people of the country. Their bellies are not out and their lungs can allow them to win cross country race. However, they have also entered into the TV era. Sandwiched between Gujarat and Punjab, they are inviting diabetes and heart problems.

Rotala khao mauj manao.

25 April 2016

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Cancer amongst Postmenopausal Women

Cancer amongst Postmenopausal Women

Life expectancy of women is more than men but women have many health problems linked with their endocrine glands. Their moods and life swings with the secretion of hormones into their blood. Menopause is one of the major junctions and turning point of woman's life. It occurs when a woman’s ovaries stop releasing eggs. The production of estrogen and progesterone hormones decreases.

Recently, I have visited Cancer Institute in Civil Hospital Ahmedabad for my routine annual health check up. The HFWD and the Institute have arranged a smooth health check up system for the AIS officers. At the end of the full round of walking through different desks, the cycle ends with a cup of tea and biscuits in the chamber of the Director. That opens the way for "chay pe charcha". They haven't started the "chane pe charcha" yet!

As usual to my nature, I asked him about the analysis of the cause and effect of Cancer. We were discussing breast cancer problem amongst postmenopausal women. But when he explained the urban rural divide amongst the patients, I was surprised. 

As per his analysis of the statistics of the cancer patients, generally rural women suffer from ovarian cancer more than their city counter part who face the breast cancer. In either of the case, the patient die of Cancer if the disease is diagnosed at a more advanced stage or their access to the best treatment delayed. 

Rural-urban divide in Cancer? Generally, the cause may have family history, or long term hormonal issues. I asked.

Life style is the reason. The director replied. Rural women are poor in personal level of hygiene. They hide the disease for long. Due to hygiene, hormone and delaying diagnosis, the rural women suffer from the ovarian cancer.

The urban women have changed their life style and food style. They avoid beast feeding to the children. Breast feeding is the best treatment for the child to acquire life long strength to fight against diseases and for the mother to protects her against the breast cancer. The junk food add into the speed of the growth of unwanted tissues.

Un-hygienic life style of rural women and non/less breast feeding by urban women may be one of the reasons for the disease carrying rural urban divides. He concluded.

Any role of male in the disease? How to blame males? Rural males are blamed for not taking enough care of their wives. Neither they construct bathrooms nor they attend spouses health complaints. People cast jokes, saying they care more for a milching buffalo than the cooking wife. Their active sex life may be adding life to the ovulation number increase in women that increases the risk of ovarian cancer. Urban males are busy in earning to satisfy desires and needs of family, losing interest in regular sex life. Over care of children by reducing breast feeding may be adding risk to breast cancer amongst urban women. Regular use of contraceptives for control births might have reduced the risk of ovarian cancer but urban life style have added risk of breast cancer amongst the urban women.

The government made the diagnosis and treatment of cancer free or cheap for the women of low income group. But Rural men are busy in building toilets under "swatch bharat abhiyan" and yet to address the need of bathroom for the women. Urban men are in search of the 100th coin in the 99 Club, may awake late.

24 April 2016

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Investment Climate and Economic Growth in India

Investment Climate and Economic Growth in India

Calling Indian Government, a Hindu Nationalist Government may be cosidered as an advantage in present context of world politics. It can be seen as an opportunity. India was criticised in past by Western media because of its close friendship with Russia and a mindset of Socialism.

Are the Western countries happy with Muslim countries of Asia at present? Certainly not. They are in need of a natural partner like India to counter military power of Russia, military and economic power of China and terrorism from M world. The developed world is in search of developing world to fetch more money/profit through increasing exports by grab their growing markets. They want to invest to reduce production cost and increase rate of return. 

Their eyes are on grow rate of our country and they want to make money out of it provided India offers 'red carpet' in place of 'red tape'.At home, people voted for the new government for development and economic growth. The 'country of youngs' need investments to create million jobs a month to meet with the aspirations of the young voters. If they are not given skills and jobs, the demographic dividend will become a liability and the same lot may pull down the government in the next general elections. We need to remove  the mismatch of demands for skilled workforce and supply of labour force. India is in need of higher level of investments from domestic and global markets to improve infrastructures.When US and other western countries are not having warm and friendly relations with Muslim countries from Lebanon to Indonesia, (Hindu Nationalist) 

Government of India makes a difference of friendliness. It will place the mainstream culture of Hindus on world knowledge more better than before.If we concentrate on cleanliness; security, safety and treatment to women, particularly the foreign tourists, women (Only one city of New York has 50 million tourists per annuam and India total is 6.6 million tourists);  transparency, consistency and speed of govt decisions; India has great potential of development in coming days as it's Economic Complexity Index (0.21) is lower than that of China (0.88), Germany (1.96) and USA (1.51).PM Modi's visit was overwhelmed by all sections here in America. His reception was like a 'Rock Star'. His speech was broadcast on all screens of Time Square and linked with FM Radio. During dinner party with 800 business guests, he photographed with each one of them. He made it clear that the mandate is for development and quality of life. The business groups after meeting him, are enthusiastic to do business with him/India. It is economical for them to produce near the consumption centre.

All are ready to do business with India provided our bureaucracy and politicians think globally. Each one of us is busy in guarding or expanding power and territory to earn importance in public life at the cost of development. Subsidy for votes; short money for luxury of life;  money for running parties and win elections; federal disunity in decision making like GST, etc, are major hurdles of removing red tape ('less red tape, more red carpet') from Indian decision making process.Are we ready for his dream India: one day registration to start business, digital India, less government good governance?

Are we united in thoughts, united in strategy, united in development? We need to give a new look to the federal structure.No matter how you named? It matters what you do? How you do?We are world leader in terms of "Intellectual Property". But have we given space to these IP to grow and deliver in the Country?If there is 'ease of entry and ease of exit' for high quality investments, the same media will praise us for our great work. Calling Hindu Nationalist Government may be technic to create pressure to get higher FDI percentage in the area of defence and insurance.Let us focus more on Economic Pull and Ease for doing Business in India.

Punamchand, '85, Gujarat, Ph-527 October 2014, New York

Javaharlal Nehru, the Architect of Modern India

Javaharlal Nehru, the Architect of Modern India
Jawaharlal Nehru was a Hero of India for many years. Out of 4 major giants of Hindustan; Gandhiji was killed on 30/1/48, Sardar Patel died on 15/12/50, and Jinnah died on 11/9/48 in Pakistan. Nehru the youngest of these 4 survived and lead India till his death in office as PM of India until 27/5/64. From 1950 to 1964 he was mostly an unquestioned leader of our country. People voted him to power in 3 consecutive elections of 1951 (364), 1957 (371), and 1962 (361) with 2/3 majority. The second party had less than 30 seats. Gandhiji gave him PM post before independence, people confirmed it after independence.

He was the leader who raised the freedom fight from the level of Dominion Status to Complete Independence. He was an architect of Modern India. His all round actions on political, social and economic fields were giant steps of a man. 

His steps for : 5 years planning; mixed economy; establishment and growth of Public Sector Organisations like ONGC, IOC, Bokaro Rourkela steel plants;  Industry Policy & industrial development, export promotion; establishment of world class institues i. e., IIM, IITs, IISc, ISRO, SAC, BARC, IMA, NIT, AIMS, etc.; construction many multi purpose projects like Bhakra Nangal; generation of hydro electricity power projects; green revolution; R&D; importance of Science & Technology; communications and infrastructure development; community development programmes; Hindu Code Bill, etc. a long list of his achievements.

He kept Pakistan under control for 18 years, swiftly and successfully consolidated Indian power in Kashmir beyond 4 subjects of the agreement of accession;  Foreign Policy of Non Alignment in a cold war era of 2 giants USA and USSR; establishing voice of newly born Free India in a group of 165 nations; etc were noteworthy. Some of you may add into the list.
He might have smoked some cigarettes, drank some wines or wrote platonic love letters to Lady Mountbatten, but he served our mother land for continuous 52 years with his dedication and hard work starting from 1912 (attended INC annual session in Patna) until his death in 1964. He spent many years in jail as a freedom fighter.

His books Discovery of India and Glimpses of World History put him on the line of great writers. One can get some ideas of his greatness while reading these books.

It was a time of building a nation from the ruined ashes of exploited India. It was a time to generate income and resources. He travelled in a Jeep as PM, now PM has expensive Aeroplane. The GDP, wealth, infrastructure, resources, per capita income, HDI, etc, going up day by day. We have come to a stage after walking a long way and with whole hearted efforts of many on a foundation stone laid by Nehru.
Gandhi was a great Moral Leader, Jinnah was a great Pleader, Sardar was a great Executer and Nehru was a great Thinker. They were Visionary Leaders.
We give credits of all good works and achievements of a Government to the PM or CM as a Leader of the Government, but when it comes to Nehru, we transfer the credit points in the account of the Ministers whether unification of India by Sardar or Constitution draft by Dr. Ambedkar.

We saw mistakes in him on Kashmir and China border issues but never looked at the angle of Nehru in it. The way Sardar's or other minister's opinion had great value and now our criticism, the PM in office had his own understandings.

Government of India was run from 15/8/47 to 25/1/50 as per GOI Act 1935, in which Governor General (GG) had wide powers compare to the present days President of India. Kashmir issue was sent to UN after due approval of Cabinet and of the Governor General. Later this was considered a Himalayan Mistake of Nehru.

It was the choice of the heir of Gandhiji and Sardar to live a simple life on Gandhian principles.

All know the story of Harilal (Abdullah) the eledest son of Gandhi. Other 2 Ramlal and Manilal were settled in business in SA. The youngest Devdas married to a daughter of Rajgopalachari continued in public life and his heir now seen in public life as MP or Governor. His nephew Shamaldas Gandhi (son of Laxmidas) lead Aarzee Hakumat freeing Junagadh from Pakistan didn't grew in Saurastra politics. Dhebarbhai became President of INC and CM of Saurastra. Many Gujarati leaders, KM Munshi, Morarji Desai, etc grew in national politics during Nehru era. However, it is to note that Gandhiji acknowledge Nehru as his political heir and successor in 1941.

Sardar's daughter Maniben was also a freedom fighter, lived a simple life following Gandhian principles. She and Indulal Yagnik the leader of Mahagujarat Movement, both dedicated their entire life in the service to the Nation instead of living a married life. Both became MP. Sardar's son Dahyabhai became MP twice in Loksabha and once in Rajyasabha. He passed his life primarily as businessman. It is to note that none of them find a place in Nehru cabinet.

Nehru being in power as PM for 18 years and we have only 3 examples to blame him for favouring relatives.

His sister Vijaya Laxmi Pandit, wife of a Kathiawadi Barrister Ranjit Sitaram Pandit, grew from a legislature of United Province in 1937, became minister 1937-39, 1946-47, entered diplomatic service and rose to the level as first woman President of UN General Assembly. This can be accepted.

RK Nehru, being in ICS officer and in the Goverment of his cousin's can have a merit and lift within establishment.

His relative Lt. Gen BM Kaul, did put Nehru in shame of defeat in Sino Indian war. Nehru paid the price as he didn't come out of the shock till his death. Lt. Gen Kaul grew through hierarchy with soft postings couldn't handle war at the high altitude of over 14000 ft, fell ill, returned and resigned. 12000 Indian Army Javans were fighting against 80000 Chinese Soldiers. It was a fight of infantry only. 1383 Indian Soldiers killed against Chinese 722 in a month long fight 20/10/62 to 21/11/62. Nehru knowing his limitations of strength of Indian army against China, tried to dilute disputes through Panchshil and Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai. McMahon line was under dispute between both the countries because of change of boundaries of Aksai Chin and NEFA under different rules.

Defence Minister VK Krishna Menon the second most powerful man of those days was known for his brilliance and international understandings. His 8 hours long speech defending India's stand on Kashmir in UN on 23/1/57 made him "Kashmir Hero" by the press.

An architect of India's non alignment policy he successfully annexed Goa with India. His military unpreparedness was criticised after loss of Sino-Indian war but later people like R. Venkatraman (Defence Minister, Vice President, President of India) and Chief Justice VRK Iyer and others have seen his vision and foresight in military development for India's rise as a military power. His introduction of merit based method of promotion and extensively restructured military command system lead Gen. Thimayya to resigned. He was not Nehru's relative but was placed on merit. Later he resigned as Defence Minister though protected by Nehru. Nehru missed Sardar the most these days.

After the death of Nehru Pakistan fought a war with India in 1965 and lost after a 5 weeks fight of the largest tank battle. But the misinformation about ammunition being used given to the PM by Gen Chaudhari (Supremo Syndrome) prevented the PM Lal Bahadur Shashri to delay the ceasefire and to defeat Pakistan fully. His dream was full filled by Indira Gandhi in 1971 war.

It is to note that Pakistani Army was commanded by British Gen Sir Douglas Gracey, he refused the order of GG of Pakistan Jinnah to move Pakistani troops to Kashmir in 1947 war. While in Sino-India war, China was in full strength of 80000 soldiers against our 12000. They were on top and we were at bottom. Many died in adverse weather conditions. It was a shameful lost of Aksai Chin. But in war, battels are won by strengths, physical and armaments. We were under developed in defence due to our scarcity of resources and other priorities of building the Nation.

We are questioning him for the growth of his few relatives during his tenure. All grew inside the establishment with some legal base. The wrong should be condemned. We must also look at the growth of relatives of other politicians and Industrialist from 1947 to 2013, either grew inside or outside the establishment, with legitimate or illegitimate benefits derived from the Governments.
Guha write, "[had] Nehru retired in 1958 he would be remembered as not just India's best prime minister but as one of the great statesman of the modern world."

Sun also has Sunspots. He was India's Hero too.

14 Nov 2014

NA: The views are expressed for paying respect to Nehru for his services to India. It has nothing to do with his dynasty.

Dal Roti world replaced by Pizza

Dal Roti world replaced by Pizza

People were happy with "Dal Roti Khao, Prabhu kai Gun gao". Gainsh (made of buttee milk and rice) was luxury for them.
New world is a world of micro nutrients and vitamins, searching Vitamin D in "D Rise"!

India is progressing well. Per capita consumption of food grain going down and the food basket has increased with vegetables, fruits and oil as people purchasing power going up.
But organic food, stay in dreams.
All you know, fruits and vegetables in India are grown with the help of pesticides and insecticides. The skin of fruits and vegetables is a natural fibre and many nutrients deposited behind it. But the surface carries pesticides. 

What will you do?

Remove the skin? 

Fiber and vitamin loss? 

Inside material is also grown out of fertilisers.

My Yugandan friend advised me to wash the fruits and vegetables with salt water before eating or cooking to minimise the side effect.

I follow at home. You may.


Are we on right path?

Are we on a Right Path?
Antibiotics is one of the major reasons of increasing life expectancy of human resulted into population explosion, keeping everybody on toes to increase economic activities to generate employment to improve quality of life. 

Leaders in the world take away credit of achievements but most of our reach to the success come from innovations and discoveries of scientists and technocrats.
Nature used to control population with a rule of 'fittest survive'. A female has capacity to deliver 750 eggs in a life cycle and a man sperms can generate a new world.  But we have took a choice of 'first come first survive'. We did care for quality of goods and services but for human, whatever comes, we pull out all efforts on their survival.

India and other developing countries may claim for young population but it suggests that they have less number of olds. Developed world holds their olds by spending major part of their budget on health care.
We are walking in opposite directions. On one side saving people with antibiotics and health care and other side worried about population explosion, poverty, unemployment, slums, minimum needs, etc. Those can afford limit their children to 1 or 2 and those who can't afford are delivering many. And then whole world of politicians, bureaucrats, economists, technocrats, and people are on job 24×7 trying to manage the quality of life of people. 

Are we walking the right path?
The death due to swine flue or ebola may be less compare to accidents or heart attacks but sometimes propagandas are used for disposal of medicinal stocks and vaccines. We may argue, spending generates economic activities!
World organisations have carved a path of development with parameters of HDI. IMR, MMR, life expectancy, median education, etc. And profit makers, using advertisements campaign through TV and media made millions of us mad after physical world. The smell of perspiration is being replaced by perfumes and deodorants.

Afterall what we want? Happiness in life and happiness come from the Peace of Mind. And peace of mind comes from better understanding of the nature cycle. However, some basic minimum physical support is necessary to maintain quality of life.

Which is the better way? Follow the code of nature or to fight back and run faster and faster till nature dispose us with total distribution as we have already planted seeds of green house gases and emptied natural resources. We are taking away chances of survival of people of next generations. 

Rural India is behind in HDI. But if you change parameters as per the following and evaluate, what will be it rank?

1. 8 hours deep sound sleep
2. No BP
3. No stress
4. Persons not taking medicines
5. Digestion capacity
6. Walking ability
7. Stamina for physical work
8. People without spectacles (eye numbers)
9. People with inner peace
10. Innocence over face glitter through inner happiness.

The countries with power are threatening others and expanding their territories, the have nots taking a short cut of terrorism, the rich want to become richer, youths want to become more handsome/beautiful, children are loaded with weight of books, all are getting mad.

Vo bachpan, vo jawani, vo budhapa, .... all are losing its natural colour.  Natural live joy coming within have been replaced by artificial world of physical articles.

Do grow but not at the cost of general happiness and peace. Consume but not exploit. Save for the future world.  Spending may increase economic activities and improve quality of life of the living but savings will take care of both.
Let us balance our acts that harmonise with nature.

U turn require. Who will take the lead?

Mussoorie, Ph-5

Is Good Administrator Possible?

Is Good Administrator Possible?
Entrepreneurs, technocrats, management professionals are words of complements but bureaucrats, babus and neta are not the same in present days India. Red tape, dependency on government, corruption have changed the perception of people.

Babu a title of affection and respect for Babu Rajendra Prasad, Babu Jagjivan Ram, Babu Jai Prakash Narayan; is now a word for criticism. Title Netaji suited to Netaji Shubhas Chandra Bose is now used for fingering a politician for doing wrong.

India is moving from Socialism to a market driven objectives of growth. Growth for development has been shifted. Whether government to govern or to facilitate, is a new debate on a path of "minimum government maximum governance".

Each one is passing through phases of swa hitay, swajan hitay, parjan hitay and bahujan hitay. Bureaucrats and politicians are no exceptions. One watches seniors, peers and subordinates and use rules to earn. Politicians need funds for elections and political survival.

All believe to become "good administrator" but follow differently in practice. Due to wish for desired postings, timely promotions and post retirement assignments; bureaucrate has lost to speak up and speak out.
Where the Great Ashoka saying, please reach to the Royal Harums to say the bitter truth; or a Weaver Saint Tiruvallur guiding for keeping "Royal ears" to listen bitter words; the present day masters are only happy listening tunes that they play. And the force that has to come within die in its childhood.  With frequent transfers, family hassles and children's sufferings in education; the good administrator die in early years of service and a babu born out of that ash, that simply pass files with one more signature in a series of 9 signatures.

Many perform within the system with diplomatic wisdom, maintaining position in the team. But the hardcore good administrators retire in sideline, leaving murmurs of sympathy from the colleagues. 

Don't be passimist. Be a diplomat. Deliver a good governance with coordination with political executives. Take a helicopter view, add experience, and give outcome based government. Come out of "Sir Culture" and make people free from dependence of government. 

A good administrator must be decisive, decide timely, own responsibilities, move forward, finding solution of a problem by going into the root cause of the problem, prioritise and implement time bound, delegate powers, work as organic team and deliver with integrity. Integrity beyond finance terms.

And the "Political Masters" in turn will give stability of tenure, reward for meritorious work and an environment to work for giving back to the society. 

We the AIS officers are Good Administrator and shall continue to be Good Administrator.

Punamchand, '85, Gujarat
10/11/14 Mussoorie Ph-5

Democracy v/s Capitalism

Democracy v/s Capitalism
"Rich funds elections and votes of poor won"

What people need? Political Equality or Economic freedom?
Use market to conquer poverty?
Or Capital freedom balanced with mass welfare?

Market deals with commodities in Capitalism but in Democracy market deals with its citizens/poors, the consumers of goods. They are labour supply as  well as their purchase power consume goods produced by markets.

More educated you are become  richer. More urban you are more you vote for capitalism. And as the number of middle class urban population increasing, democracy will be driven by these elite class if they return to booth.

India's growth rate in last decade was high barring last 2 FYs but economic inequality also gone up. India has 5th largest $ billionaires, 3rd largest middle class and single largest concentration of poor.
How to restore growth momentum with inclusionary policies?

India moved forward from planned economy generated growth of Nehru Model to more left shift during Mrs. Gandhi to free economy model of MMS barring 3 subjects.  It has no foreign portfolio till 1992, now $30B annually FDI.

Privatisation halted. 

Agriculture subsidies, hard nuts to crack (selection between long run sector development and short term votes)

Labour laws to amend for easy exit.

Welfare State need market for growth acceleration because it need money/resources that can come only through market driven economy.

The demographic dividend youths demand jobs. And jobs can be generated by entrepreneurs. People will evaluate the action of Government at the interval of 5 years through democracy but for fighting poverty through growth, capitalism to be promoted balancing it with mass welfare.

Mussoorie Ph-5

Left Handers are Creative Leaders

Left Handers are Creative Leaders
Left handed people, may have 10% of population; born out of stress to the mother during pregnancy; or born through trauma during birth; live 9 years less than right hand people; may face problems of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), dyslexia or schizophenia; but are creative; better at divergent thinking;  develop new concepts from existing knowledge and distinct leaders in their field.
4 of recent 7 Presidents of USA have been left hander. Ronald Regan, George HW Bush, Bil Clinton and Barack Obama.
Have you noticed common factors in following 3 personalities of India?

1. Narendra Modi
2. Amitabh Bachchan
3. Saurav Ganguli.

They are mix handers. 1 and 2 born left hander but write with right hand.  3rd born right handed but bated with left hand. All three started from the scratch and reached to the height of their field through distinct performance.
Are you a left hander or mix hander? Researchers say that mix hander are more prone to ADHD. Your brain may have wired differently but you have a chance to lay new path and creation in the area of your work. Take care of your mood, that not go down and develop psychiatric and developmental disorder because you have to lead from the front.

Celebrate August 13, International Left Handers Day.

Distinct Bhavatu...

Punamchand '85, Gujarat
29 October 2014

Growth Matters or Policy Matters?

Growth Matters or Policy Matters?
After a high growth rate decade of 2001-11, its fall in 2 years pull the economists back in field to discuss new economic strategies for India. One of the best economics pair of post independence Mr. Manmohan Singh and Mr. Montek Singh Ahaluvalia failed in running the growth engine that delivered the magical figure of average growth rate of 6.7%.  

It all happened with Government policies & programmes and with the active participation of investors, entrepreneurs and workers of formal and non formal sector. Many good work in the areas of infrastructure development including village roads have been achieved. The economy value went upto 30% in dollar terms and India became a country of 60 billionaires ($). Per capita income rose up. Poverty dropped down in all sections of society. It dropped more in Schedule Castes and Minorities due to their main stream association. It has proved that there is a direct relation between growth rate and reduction in poverty level.

With the richness of the Government treasury, it gave room for the Government to implement social insurance schemes of employment guarantee (Mnrega) and Food Security. It was sharing of profit amongst the have not. 

But were they true steps? People can argue in favour and against, depending upon their position on the side of the table. For Mnrega, some say it was a step to transfer of purchase power by getting money in the pocket of the poor. But some will question the cost benefit, opportunity cost and choice for better alternatives. State like UP and Bihar with large number of poors created less jobs but AP and TN utilised more fund under Mnrega with less Bpl people. The programme did increase wages of workers in farm and non farm activities but was that happened due to Mnrega or  alternative jobs availability is a question again may be argued from both sides.  Mnrega did increase the bargaining power of the workers. 
Similarly consumption of protein by poor is an issue but not the consumption of cereals as per consultation statistics.  The poor is in need of protein security not cereal security.  Eggs to wheat/rice. But one can argue that savings from cereals cost can be spend on education and health need of the poor family for their growth. 

The money earners have to creat hue and cry on this spending and the Government to justify sharing profit earned through policies to distribute amongst the voters who voted them to power.

Now after the fall of growth rate in 2011-12 and 2012-13; the economists started looking at different models:

Some suggest Chinese model of merchandise production through organised larged units.

Some suggest South Korean model of export based development. The State funded education policy to develop skilled workforce (women) to produce exportable goods. (The graph of education went so up that PhD guy may find working in Mcdonalds!)

Some suggest the Latin American Countries; Argentina model of "Inside Economy Recovery". Focusing on strengthening local economy with focus on infrastructure development for employment generation. Infrastructure development was linked with job creation. To avoid layoff,  Government pay 50% of wage bill if company keeps the worker employed. Tax Collectors were employed to recover taxes. Paid only sovereign debt. No external conditionality accepted while borrowing funds. Reach out for  Social Security providing health care etc. In 5 years, the output was: GDP growth rate 8%, drop in poverty from 56% to 20%, reduction in external debt, massive increase in employment, low fiscal deficits, etc. 

Brazil focused on poverty reduction, 'zero hunger'. Put the money in cities, investment on power generation, use all/suitable  alternative. 

After 2008-9 crisis; many countries use stimulus of packages; i. e., massive public spending, tax relief/ targeted relief, stimulate demands, facilitate consumption, investments and employment growth, etc. Brazil put the money in cities and in power generation.  China put money in cities and small municipalities. European countries spent money on bank packages.

Growth matters provided it distributes the fruits equitably.  New York City where 8,50,000 millionaire income earners (doesn't include wealth) lives in a population of 10M; the BPL population is also high. Therefore poverty and inequality are to be addressed. 

Every State - Country has to finds its own path. However success stories can be studied and suitably applied with modifications.

All realised that strong State, State efficiency, State civil society relations & impact, good microeconomics policies necessary to sustain growth. 
Where India should go? Copy other countries models? Elephant walks like Dregon? With approximately 200 Central and State labour laws, India can't develop a merchandise model of mass production (China) through large units as day by day entrepreneurs opt for automation to labourers.
Informal sector has a big roll to play. Government policies should promote "production mass" instead of "mass production".
We are a world leader in Intellectual Property. (We r highest in to 5% and bottom 5% too!). Merchandise exports (quality goods) at competitive rate is not our cup of tea at present as country like Bangladesh, Colombia, Sri Lanka are surpassing us. 

But the world is in need of skilled manpower. Kerala with highest HDI in the country trailed in growth rate, but its youths earning good money abroad and sending cheques to the natives regularly. We have proven our ability in producing engineers and IT professionals.  But failed doing the same in producing Doctors and para medics. MCI norms and corruption charges over their incharges are well known.  We shall look at the world market and produce large number of engineers, doctors, managers, para medics and service staff. The way Bihar, Eastern UP, Jharkhand etc are meeting the workers requirement of the country, India shall export skilled manpower abroad.  Those who can't make it will serve the nation. (Similarly like the best tea export !!!) 

Is India rural or urban? 62% GDP comes from urban based activities but people live in slums and  are Bpl. Urban local bodies are not performing.  There is deficiency of urban infrastructure.  There is a need for more State intervention in financing local bodies to improve basic infrastructures. Simultaneously worry about social sector policies to address poor people.  Invest more on knowledge and focus on implementation of programmes with proper capacity building. 
Target weak areas/groups and run a programme instead of rewarding individual behaviour because collective justice is important. Freedom of behaviour either political or economical is important for the growth. 

Let us follow a "Inclusive Growth Model"; building capacity, addressing employment and social security need of a large population by implementing "India First" policies to sustain equitable growth of the Country.

Punamchand, '85, Gujarat, Ph-5
2 November 2014, WDC

Sustainable Development Goals to address World Challenges

Sustainable Development Goals to address World Challenges

India is in the age of sustainable development. Growth without sustainability will increase economic disparities, social tension and general unhappiness. Therefore Sustainable Development is an integration of economic, social and environmental objectives. 
Due to global interconnectivity, technology transfers, financial system, etc, global orientation of economic policy is necessary.  Technology is a head of institutional capability and it is a driver of economy.  Production and financial systems become global scale. Information Revolution made India a World Leader. Energy crisis, energy efficiency, real time data and its use in dealing with health and education, need attention.  Demographics and geo political power centre changed. The world has moved from 2 super power to one super power and now to complex power system. Environmental crisis, depletion of natural resources (climate change) need to be addressed against short term measures for votes.

From the day of invention of steam engine in 1750 AD, the world of mankind has been put up in a driving mode of development, driven through Steam Engine (1780-1830); Railway - Steel (1830-1880); Electricity & Chemicals (1880-1930); Automobiles & Petroleum (1930-1970); ICT (1970-2000); Intelligence & Technology (2000-2050). It has passed through Long Depression (1873-1879); Great Depression (1929-1939); Penic of 1937; 1st & 2nd Oil Crisis (1974-80); Financial Crisis (2007-08).

One of the greatest invention of 20th century 'Transistor', revolutionised electronics world. First commercial transistor produced in 1954 improvised on chip and capacity for data processing and data transmission made an IT revolution, reached to 5.0B XEON PHI, the most power efficient computer of the world.
Mobiles 20,000 in 1980, have gone up to 7B in 2014.
The cost of Genome $100 M in 2001, came down to $1.5K in 2013 and will be $1K in 2015. The cost of Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Cells came down from $76.67 per watt in 1977 to 0.74$ today.

Global poverty ($25/day) rate was 43% in 1990 (India 60%, China 60%) came down to 20-25% in 2014.


World population divided amongst low-medium-high-constant fertility zones reached 7.3 B in 2014 and estimated 11-13 B in 2100. (If current rate continue, may reach to 30 B). India (1.5B),  China and Nigeria will be largest.

CO2 release, crossed planetary boundaries. Nitrogen and Phosphate fertilisers polluting land and water (downstream of river).


International Negotiations are searching for solutions of these challenges. From Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to solve problem of poverty, it is moving towards redesigning core of world development through Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDGs integrate Economic, Social and Environmental Goals.

Three major events scheduled in 2015: 3 days Summit in UN in September 2015; Financing for Development July 12-15, 2015; and Paris meet on Climate Change 2015 (to suggest implementation framework to stabilise green house gases).
10 major priorities of 17 priorities are listed as Goals of all Countries:

1. End Extreme Poverty
2. Promote Sustainable Growth & jobs
3. Education for All (completion of secondary education)
4. Social Inclusion
5. Health for All
6. Sustainable Agriculture (new green revolution addressing agriculture productivity and fertiliser norms)
7. Sustainable Cities
8. Sustainable Energy and Climate Change
9. Sustainable Biodiversity
10. Good Governance


The strategy for sustainable development process can include: balance of proper planning & market; planning for 5, 10 or 30 years for each goal; goal setting for 2030 and 2050; stable long term diversions; diverse investment strategy on infrastructure, human capital, natural capital, environment capital and social capital.


"Climate Mitigation" an important Goal to keep the rising temperature below 2 degree Celsius.  Reduce burning of fossil fuels (vehicles run by electricity) targeting present release of 36 b tons CO2 to 9 b tones. The contribution of Usa in CO2 emissions is 16 tons per person, while India only 1.6 ton per person. (The powerful loby of Oil Companies in USA, the biggest campaign contributors (Koch Brothers') of Presidential elections, propagate against climate change)

Need for a pathway technology change to deal with CO2, with an out of box thinking of capturing and putting CO2 into the ground and also to meet energy need of the world. Coal is the most dangerous fuel of emission of CO2, therefore Electricity production by low carbon emission fuel - products need development and promotion that includes Solar, wind, tidal and other renewable energies, with new power grids. Power transport to be promoted to run vehicles, buses, railway etc, by electricity. Countries to tap mutual needs using natural advantages, i. e., Nepal needs money and India needs electricity that can come tieing up and building more Hydro Power Projects in Nepal. 

The world has to move towards SDGs if wish to give a good life to the future generations.

Punamchand, '85 Gujarat, Ph-5
27 October 2014, New York

America, a Land of Opportunities

America, a Land of Opportunities
Due to wrong calculation of latitudes and distance to find India through westward sail, on 12 October 1492, Christopher Columbus, son of a weaver, with his flagship 'Santa Maria' discovered America. It was followed by 3 more voyages that opened up doors of western colonisation in the world for Centuries. Columbus sailed for discovering his dream land India but discovered America, the dreamland of the present world. 

USA is a "Land of Opportunities", inhabited by mostly immigrants. A middle class country with per capita income $41000/annum, but only 2% of its 350M population earn $16000/month and above. It is the largest economy of the world. A technology leader, America's vibrant and active population made its a world power for decades. People earn and spend as a result the wheel of development continue spinning. 
They are the biggest consumers. Wheather electricity, water, food, cars, fuel, goods, services; they consume everything excessively. They are world leader in emission of green house gases (GHG), a major reason for Global Warming. That way they create more jobs, more purchase power, more spending, more GDP and keep the country going keeping all Americans happy. They preserve their natural resources and consume others production so that continue to be a leader for longer period. 

It is easy to develop tourist places in USA because people earn and enjoy life. People go to same spots many times. And the spots are full with all facilities whether full season or off season. Motel, bank, post office, food court, groceries, etc available.  
They are great spenders. Whatever earn in a week spend fully. Only the "Deshi" (per capita income of country is $41000 and of deshi $81000) and "Chini" do savings. 

A white may be earning $2500/week but may found borrowing from subordinate on Friday. Casinos or $1000 a bottle of liquor or $1000/hr for a girl can make their pockets empty other than normal expenditure of food, stay, transport and communications. 

Blacks in general are mostly working as subordinates. They are bulky and lazy. Narrate everything in details whatever happened.  Many of them are living BPL. Approximately 35 million people are dependant on Government; getting food coupons, $450/month cash allowance, clothing once in 6 months and free health care and free education for their children.

Mexican (makla) are the agriculture and maid workforce for South American States. Maklas are very simple, hard working and reliable community. 

Chinese are industrious and very active people, work for 12 hrs a day. They are here to build China Towns and make money from USA. Groceries, small articles, souvenirs, bakery, chinese food, vegetable vending, house-hotel keeping, home furnishing, massage, IT professionals, etc, Chinese are actively increasing. 

Gujaratis (deshi) are running Motels and Stores; doctors, pharmacists, engineers and professionals. Many professionals moved to Motel business as it earns money without hassles. Once you appoint a reliable general manager, you are almost free 24×7. An electrical engineer earning $35000/annum moved to liquor selling started making $1.5M/annum. He has big house, liquor shop and partnership in Motel business. BAPS Swaminarayan Organisation united them together to preserve Hindu Culture. Youths, may be modern in main stream but full Indian in Ravi Sabhas.

Punjabis are in transport, gas station, liquor shops, and agriculture businesses. Other Indians are mostly on jobs or professionals. 

There is free education up to Std 12. School environment is friendly to students as well as their parents. Teachers and Principal are the best friends. A day of a primary student starts with nutritional breakfast of milk, cereals, cake and a fruit. Type of fruit and bread change everyday. Lunch is also served as per prescribed manu. There are helpers to see that all children eat food properly. Books and all educational materials have been given free. School starts at 7.30 AM and closes at 1PM. But students can stay in school till 5PM. Tutors are there to improve learning of weak students after school hours. Regular mail from teachers and a phone call from the Principal keep the parents active. Students submit assignments online. The teaching method is students' friendly. Children understand more than simply memorising compare to India. Children of Indian origin understand and speak English fluently from Std. 3. No major role of parents seen in their studies. The tables are taught so well that primary school children do it upto 24. The method of teaching is so good that children remember it easily. 12 table will be prepared upto 12×12; 13 upto 13×13,.....19 upto 19×19... I checked, students remembered the tables accurately. They do homework regularly.  The syllabus is advanced. Students of 4th Std can do square root. Algebra and geometry enters at early standards. It makes the students independent. 

It is a country of "She Economy". All spending, tours, child care, etc, mostly done by women. Men earn but women sign cheques.
On an average, Americans change their spouse and education branch thrice in a life. Children have opportunity to attend marriage of their parents! Step father, step son, step son, step daughter, ... many steps here. However Indian and Chinese people live their own culture and growing. 

There are following ways to enter into Usa to work, earn and grow.

1. Birth
2. Marry a citizen or green card holder
3. Education, Student Visa
4. H-1, work permit
5. $1 million investment in business creating 10 jobs, get green card for the family.
6. Some come on visitor Visa and never return but live under restrictions. Once their children born in USA, their hardships reduce. 

A rental house @ $650/month and new car with monthly installment of $150-250, sets the family on track. One may get minimum wage job/work, $9/hr to start with.

People in general here are eating more and talking a lot. And the Government, do take care of their citizens as well as illegal migrants. People's behaviours are controlled by enforcement of law. No corrupt practices found at lower level of administration. The Government takes timely decisions to maintain pace of development. If need be, inject dollars to industries to make them sustainable and able to hold jobs. Public audit goes on 24×7, make them all active.

USA is a technology king. They invent and hold and use at appreciate time. They preserve their resources and make the best use of other countries resources including intellectual property. South Korea was like India before 1960, but with "American Aids" and its utilisation in building the country, South Korea became Asian Tiger. Pakistan failed in doing same though had opportunities. 

Can't India follow the 'Growth Model' of USA? Need a big 'U turn', where the people, politicians and bureaucracy need to be changed. Millions of jobs and suitable workforce creation are the tasks to be addressed on highest priority along with more spending on education and health. All of us have to work as "Team India" to "Build India" joining "Indian Judiciary" in "Development Umbrella".
Either to supply intellectuals, professionals and services force to America OR build India by using them all following the US model at home. 

Capital create jobs and spending accelerate further investments instead of locked money in "Gold" in India.

Punamchand, '85, Ph-5,
7 November, 2014, LA

NB: The words dholia, kalia, makla, deshi, etc used to narrate local perception of Indian people. No colour bias in mind.


PM in Nagaland

He (NaMo) connects people and wins their hearts. He did it in Kohima today in an inauguration ceremony of Hornbill Festival of Nagaland, the festival of festivals. People cheered hearing "Teyee Swavive (good morning)", "Besi Bhallase" and "Kukna Lim (thank you)" from the PM.

It takes 10 hrs to reach Nagaland from Kohima but India's PM took more that 10 years to visit this land as after Shri Vajpayee's visit in 2003, Shri Narendra Modi came to this border State today and promised to come again to see what he mentioned become reality.

He congratulated the people on the joyous event and advised to preserve, protect and promote unique cultural heritage of Nagaland; not only the colourful dances and songs but the sturdiness, honesty and simplicity of hard working people of Nagaland.

He advised to promote the biodiversity of the area. Young English speaking population, can be part of 15 outsourcing businesses. He admired equal position of women in the society. Nagaland women battalion deployment in Common Wealth Games in Delhi was a pride event for our nation. The youths can progress well in sports like boxing, archery, football by giving right direction.

He promised to develop NE States as NEZ (Natural Economic Zone). He announced schemes: Isan Uday (special scholarship to 10000 students of NE); Isan Vikas (internship visits to IIT, NIT etc for 2000 Students and 500 teachers of NE during vacation; establishment of Modern Apparel Garments Manufacturing Centre, one each in NE States.

Vajpayee ji promised and  allocated 10% budget on NE development. Present Government has earmarked Rs. 53000 Cr for development of 8 NE States. Rs. 28000 Cr will be spent for 14 new railway line projects. Rail, road and air connectivity is essential for development of tourism of NE. Energy is a life line. Rs. 5000 Cr will be spent on power improvement projects of intra state transmission and distribution projects in 6 NE States. Infrastructures meaning has changed, digital-internet connectivity is essential infrastructure. The Government will provide 2G Internet connectivity to the youth of NE for their development. National Sports University will be established in Manipur. 6 new colleges for Agriculture, one each in NE State for further development of organic agriculture. There is tremendous scope for tourism development, that is untapped. "Seeing is believing". Nagaland's unique cultural  heritage and Hornbill will attract tourists in Nagaland. 

People felt, he is a man of action.


Sampurnanad, a joy of Musical Evening
Mausam bahar ho, suhane saathi ho aur gane na ho? And when Naveen-Vishvas ki jodi ho, Shamlal ka saath ho, Divya ka aagman ho, aur karaoke aage ho, bus ban gayee baat.

Thursday (20/11) evening in Sampurnanad Hall, LBSNAA Mussoorie, our hearts became young, went into 60s and 70s. Lyrics, Music, Composition, Singing, laajawaab. And Rafi-Kushor-Mukesh "Tarai" "Sitare" left us at young age but their magical voice still thrill us even today with joy and feelings.
Attendance was less but those present were joyous, each one equal to ten.

Devinder Kumar Bhalla, our Coordinator, Fine Arts, started and compared the musical evening with narration of songs with sher-shayari in his soft but romantic voice, the most beautiful eyes of Vahida Rehman...indicating his deep love to Hindi Cinema of those golden old days.

Davidar surprised all of us with his beautiful play on Gitaar and piano melody play on yamaha.
Jagdish Mohanti little nervous without kick, sang well but his narration of IAS journey from Academy to field to Sachivalaya in different songs made us laugh.
And then come the turn of beautiful Divya (OT) and Naveen Prakash (Rafi sahab ki aawaz aur andaj Udit Narayanka) duet from Film Kashmir ki Kali (Rafi-Asha, Music OP Naiyyar) Yeh dekhake dil jhooma, lee pyaar ne angadayee, diwana hua Baadal...They sang so well that all of us were zooming on chair.  Divya sang one more duet with Vishvas Mehta, (Lyricist Anand Bakshi, Music LP, Singer Mukesh-Lata, Film Milan) Sawan ka mahina...pavan kare sor... If one closes eyes and listen, Vishvas's voice resembles Mukesh. Divya listened and prepared both the songs in two days and sang them perfectly. Divya's dream come true singing on a stage of LBSNAA with Vishvas Mehta, who as Health Secretary (Kerala) motivated her to move from a profession of a Doctor to IAS.

Then it was a turn of Shamlal Goyal. A passionate new lover of music, Shamlal carried karaoke to America tour. Fearlessly, he sang Kushor Kumar (Kati Patang)..Ye shaam mastani...madhosh kiye jaay...
Gawai played Shole tune of Jay (Amitaabh) with mouth organ and one more song... hai apana dil to aavara... na jane kisape aayega...on mouth organ. Chhupe rutam nikale Mr. Gawai.

And finally three songs in a raw, two of them (Aaradhana) picturised in Darjeeling where Naveen had chance to serve as DM for 3 years; Naveen and Vishvas went deep into the songs with feels of word and sang seamlessly. Super Star Rajesh Khanna and All time great Amitabh ka jamaana. Lyricist by Anand Bakshi, Music Composed by SD Burman, Voice of Kishor Kumar Mere sapano ki raani kab aaogi tum, ha e rut mastani kab aaogi tum.....Roop tera mastana, pyar mera divana..and at last Film Fare Award winning song, lyricist Sahir Ludhyanvi, Music composed by Khayaam and voice of Mukesh, Film Kabhi Kabhi; kabhi kabhi mere dil mai khayal aata hai... ke jaise tuj ko banaya gaya hai mere liye...

Vishvas and Naveen sang so well that on way to mess, some of us remembering the night of suhag raat.. suhag raat hai..ghunghat ootha raha hoo mai...Our suhag raat was in a village, there was no light, I neither could see the face nor......
Sampurnanad Sampurnanad, a joy of musical evening on Thursday in LBSNAA, Mussoorie.


Lions of Satadhar

Lions of Satadhar

Jhaverchand Meghani, the patriot poet of Gujarat whom Gandhiji called a national poet, wrote a beautiful poem on the bravery of a girl of Gir, "Charna Kanya". The poem starts with narrating the might and awe of a lion, "savaj garaje", the king of the jungle! Describing in minute detail the fearful effects the lion had on different creatures. With this backdrop, the poet introduces Charankanya, a young 14-year-old innocent Charan girl, playful and full of life. She is coming face to face with the lion! Something unbelievable happens -- the girl sees the lion eye-to-eye and then runs behind him with a stick, screaming out loud, "ubho reje, gir na kutta ubho reje". Seeing her, the lion gets afraid and runs away! 

JN Singh and I were traveling together in Gir Sanctuary after 23 years, on 25 January 2016. We did see lions eating the kill in the sanctuary area, but I wished to see the grown up lion with fur. We then moved to Devalia Captive Park. 75% of the Gir Tourists visit the park every year. 

We saw a group of five lions were enjoying their morning feast of Chital. Meantime, the forester found out two lions at one location. We were moved to that site. We saw two grown up lions, with beautiful fur coat, leisurely coming from our front, came closure to our vehicle, looked at us and pass through with shame filled fireless eyes. I was surprised. Where is the king of the Jungle? The Savaj? Where has their wildness gone? They were walking without worry and as if they had good breakfast at Jungle Mess.

Curiously, I inquired with the Foerster? 

They are Sarkari Sir, he replied instantly. They are zoo breed, kept in the Safari park. They can't hunt. In jungle, mother teaches hunting, body opening and eating skills to her cubes. But in zoo, they don't get the  chance to learn all these skills and tricks. They are permanently dependent on zoo feeding. If left out, they can't manage their food and will die of starvation.

I remembered Satadhar, a place nearby, where the pilgrims go in hundreds and eat at the langer (ram roti). Many pilgrims drop money in the donation box but some eat the langar free. And when some body eat free meal, without his own efforts or contribution, he walks with shame filled eyes.

The two Asiatic Lions we saw in the safari park, had beautiful fur tawny-golden, speckled with black lines, with a silvery sheen in Sun lights. But they were not the Savaj, the Kings of the Jungle, I had in my mind, described by Poet Jhaverchand Meghani.


24 February 2016



No, there is no spelling mistake. It is Kalaiya.

Till 70s, whole of Gujarat was cooking food in brass vessels, as they were good conductors of heat and distribute it evenly. However, they were reactive to acids and salt, there was risk of excessive copper in the food due to the interactions of organic acids from food, which may have adverse effects on health.

As Gujaratis are fond of Kari, curd and milk, brass vessels without tin plating spoil the item by chemical reaction of copper contamination. Therefore, the streets of Gujarat used to have tin platters moving with their carts. They were called Kalaiwala. Sometimes, when the work is more they carry utensils to their home and return next day after plating. But after building trust of the colony, sometimes, the platter run away with the utensils given for plating. People were cheated, therefore they named the Kalaiwala, as Kalaiya. Kalai kar gaya, is the phrase used for the act of cheating by the Kalaiya.

However, as the tin coating wears off rapidly with constant scrubbing and requires periodic renewal, people have moved to steel vessels, therefore the kalaiwalas are disappeared. But they have been replaced by new Kalaiyas in the society.

Many times, we hear theft of gold ornaments from women in the name of making double or doing better plating. Real gold ornaments are replaced by the plated ornaments. The cheaters are Kalaiya.

The brokers in share market attract investment for eating away money by promising high return to the investors. The scammers are known as Kalaiya.

The NPA of banks are nothing but the acts of Kalaiyas.

Some people in public administration use their good offices and become Kalaiya. They are managers of public properties and treasury. Instead of acting as trustees of the treasure, when they become middle men and exploit the opportunities for their personal gain, they become Kalaiya.

Promise breakers are called Kalaiya, whether a lover or a lofer.

Have you met any Kalaiya?

Beware! My father used to tell us, they are double body people, good at face and bad at heart. They are guaranteed cheaters.

21 March 2016

Barley the Best Grain

Barley the Best Grain

Modern age is an age of TV serials. People live life driven by the advertisement. Our food is our petrol. Some prefer Veg some NV. But at the end of the process, whether a potato or a chicken leg, all foods are converted into a life energy. But some foods rejuvenate and some harm. People trying tastes of the tongue are suffering from diabetes the Rajrog, heart problems, stress generated brain problem, liver problem, etc. The life expectancy has been increased but the list of the diseases is also expanding. Therefore, the days have come to consult the dieticians and nutritionists. Some of the hospitals are keeping them in the staff to guide the patients to set their food habits right. One of the TV directors has introdced a nutritionist as a chief character of a serial.

Indian bahus are nutritionists of our kitchen, taking care of the food and taste of the family. But the new generation of working bahus prefer hotel food to home food. Joint families have replaced by the individual families. Therefore, the traditional nutrition knowledge transfer from mother in law to daughter in law for centuries has been stopped.

Barley called Yava or Java is a grain of Rig-Veda. Yava means sharp edged. It implies barley as well as wheat and paddy (dhan) because all the three grains look the same, the sharp edged, when with cover. No allusion of rice in Rigveda. They are food for humans for centuries. Hindus offer them to the Gods in all their rituals. Offerings to Gods is our Prasadas. Due to the taste and easiness in removing the covers, Wheat and Rice became our staple food and Java became the food of the animals. But some wise people knowing well the medicinal value of the Java, continued with their use in daily food. Some Biharis lead the list, who use barley in making sattu. European people converted barley into a intoxicating drink beer through fermentation, the Soma of Europe! Indian Aryans love to Soma separated them from the Iranian Aryans. People in India still follow the process described in hymn 66 of Rigveda mandal 9 while preparing their Soma, the Bhang (marijuana) in festivals. Immortal drinks for mortal humans!

Barley has medicinal value as per Ayurveda. It is cool in nature, stimulate the digestive fire, increase intellect, cures upper respiratory and skin diseases. It is gasious therefore take some churan (harad) if it is added in your diet.

Modern science has identified over 80 nutrients including, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, fiber, copper, Vit B1-B3, chromium, potassium, magnesium, etc, in it.

It is food for the friendly bacteria living in the intestines. The acids created by these bacteria become the fuel of liver and muscles. Antibiotics, while killing enemies, kill our friends (friendly bacteria) too! Those on antibiotics, barley is the best food to rejuvenate friendly bacteria. Its selenium treat colon problems of the intestines.

Its fiber lowers the cholesterol by inhibiting the enzyme involved in production of cholesterol. Its niacin protects us from cardiovascular risks. Whole grain breakfast is the best for CVD. Food fiber reduces the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Fiber rich food lower risk of developing gallstones, mostly the outcome of higher cholesterol.

It's a magnesium is a co-factor for the enzyme involved in insulin secretion. Therefore useful for the diabetic patients.

Fish and whole grains, preferably Barley may be the best food for treating childhood asthma. Bengali and Oriya people may take additional advantage of this by adding whole barley grains with their fish food.

Copper is useful in stimulating the enzyme that give flexibility in blood vessels and joints. A cup of cooked Barley provides 32% of the daily value copper for copper. Those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis can address the copper deficiency. India has a tradition to give metal pots (bedu) made of copper to their marrying daughters. It was mainly for carrying head load of drinking water from distance but simultaneously for meeting daily copper needs of the family. Water stored in copper vessels supply daily dietary needs of copper to the family. 

The most important is its phosphorus. It plays a big role in the structure of every cell including the neurons. It is said that neurons once damaged can't be regenerated. But barley regenerates the neurons. It repairs the cell membranes and the nerve system. Barley is the only food that has capacity to rejuvenate neurons.

Long list of modern days human diseases. And their answer is in the ancient grains, Barley. A cup of cooked whole grains barley can keep you healthy, happier and best of the brains.

Not Parle ji but Barley ji !!!

Return to Vedas.

23 April 2016

Friday, April 22, 2016

Why did it pain?

Why did it pain?

He was making a big noice, calling for the help. He fell down on the steps of our house. A dog was about to jump over it from the compound wall. We were inside the house and heard the call for help of a Parrot. 

Lakshmi went out and saw him on ground, losing command of his legs and screaming in fear of death. She lifted him up like a child with love and care, and brought him inside the house. He was in breathlessness status and sounding pitiful. He was shivering. One can see its full tongue coming out of it's curved beak. She put him in a bowl, sprinkle little water and move her hand over his body to calm him down. She offered him water through her palm, from which he drank couple of sips. I went and offered fruits and seeds but he didn't try. His fear was not going away. He was unable to stand on his legs. I told my driver to call the doctor. Meantime, Lakshmi took him to the swing. The slow and rhythmic movement and the sound of the swing hooks calmed him down for a while. He tried to walk on her hand and neck, but returned. She opened his wings and checked. She checked the body but no where found any injury marks. She loved him. I took their photographs. I was afraid of a dog or a cat, therefore told her to keep him inside the house. She took him inside and sat him on a sofa, keeping water, fruits, seeds, around. I was worried and waiting for the doctor to come. The driver rang him up again. He was on the way. Suddenly, he turned down his head, and left the body command. I called Lakshmi immediately, she lifted him up, his body was warm, took him out, checked his eyes but he didn't respond. He came to our life at 9 am and left in two hours at 11 am.  

I lost my Muniya on one Monday in 2008. Lakshmi brought her from the market. I flee one of her companion but she couldn't fly because her wing was broken. In my company, she used to threaten the larger birds when was out of the cage and was walking in the garden. One morning, Lakshmi was not at home. I was guarding her and reading the newspaper. As usual she came out of the cage and was playing around me. I was watching her and reading the headlines of the TOI. But in few seconds, my eyes move from the Muniya to the true lies of the Toi, a cat, suddenly jumped over Muniya and took her away in a fraction of a second. Throwing the paper away, I ran mad after the cat but she jumped the compound wall and went into the compound of my neighbour. Helplessly I was cursing the cat and praying God to save my Muniya. I sent the gardener, but I could get her few feathers in return. 

That day my heart cried. And again we become sad today. I lost my smile of the day. I wished to save him and to free him up in the sky and to look him flying high, but he went away. He called us for help but we couldn't save his life. Our ignorance, doctor's delay and his fear took his life away. A call of help, anxiety to save life, our attachment, hoping for good but ended up in sorrow; within two ours Lakshmi and I travelled a full circle of life to death. It pained. RIP

21 April 2016

Queen's Birthday Today 21 April

Queen's Birthday Today (21 April)

UK is celebrating 90th Birthday of its Queen Elisabeth II today. Born on 21/4/1926, the Queen sworn in the throne on 6/2/1952. She is a queen of  16 countries and Head of the Commonwealth. She is the head of the State for last 64 years, one of the the longest tenure in the British history. She was a lucky elder daughter of his father George VI. Her father acceded to the throne on the abdication of his brother Edward VIII in 1936. Edward's love to an US Air hostess made his younger brother the King on UK, and his elder sister Elizabeth II became the Queen of the empire for the longest tenure. Edward VIII wrote a book, "The Heart has its Reasons".

Her Mother who lived healthy upto the age of 102 in spite of hip-replacement. The present Queen went up a tree in an African safari, the news came of her father's death and she came down as Queen--the messenger said, "H.M.the King is dead; long live the Queen". She has broken the record of Queen Elizabeth | and Queen Victoria. She will not be able to break the record of Louis XIV of France.

We wish her a Happy Birthday with good health, happiness and long life. She is the only Queen on earth whom we are watching for decades. Her smiling face and a stylish hat are her unique identities.

21 April 2016

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Vahu Ghelo (Uxorious)

Vahu Ghelo (Uxorious)

After the marriage, a man is called "mavadiyo" if obey mother's commands or is called "vahu ghelo" if he is submissive to wife. Some may be early and some late, but all males become "vahu ghela", and become obedient husband of wife's commands!

After Kevadi of Chotaudepur, we went to Kevadi-Jetpur, an eco tourism site near Mandavi of Surat district in South Gujarat. More than 200 bird species have been identified at the site and some of their voice have been recorded by the ecologists. Their voice is their call signs for matting, assembly, warning, etc. We saw the "vahu ghelo" in birds.

It looks different with it's long, down curved (like a cow horn) and brightly coloured bill. The heavy bill supported by powerful neck with the fused vertebra. It is omnivores feeding of fruits, insects and small animals.

Like humans, generally, it forms monogamous pairs. They use the natural holes or holes made by other birds as their nest. For safety of the eggs, before incubation, the females, assisted by the male begin to close the entrance to the nest cavity with a wall made of mud, droppings and fruit pulp. When the female is ready to lay her eggs, the entrance is just large enough for her to enter the nest, and after she has done so, the remaining opening is also all but sealed shut. There is only one narrow aperture, big enough for the male to transfer food to the mother and eventually the chicks.

During the entire period of the female entry into the nest to her final exit from the nest the husband serve the food and water to the wife and to the chicks. When the chicks and the female are too big to fit in the nest, the mother breaks out and both parents feed the chicks.

People after observing this male, his faithfulness and complete devotion to his wife, feeding her and caring for her 24x7, called him "vahu ghelo".

Did you guess this bird?

It is the beautiful hornbill. We call it "Chilotaro". The grey hornbill is the most common species in India. But Nagaland has the most colourful hornbills.They celebrate "the hornbill festival" the festival of  colourful performances, crafts, sports, food fairs, games and ceremonies, every year.

Have you seen this Vahu ghelo bird? If not, drive down to the forest, see it and compare, how far you are away from him characteristic of "Vahu Ghelo". Lol

19 April 2016

NB: Vahu means Bahu in Hindi

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Flying Squirrel, Sloth Bear and Mahuva Cheers, a joyous flight of Nature in Kevadi

Flying Squirrel, Sloth Bear and Mahuva Cheers, a joyous flight of Nature in Kevadi

We along with the choukidar Chaturbhai were waiting since 6.30 pm, and watching cautiously at the hole of a Mahuva tree continuously for 50 minutes without a blink of eyes. In the dusk of nature, hundreds of cicadas (tamara/Squoda) were making continuous sound, welcoming the night. The sound reminded me the call bell of the Gujarat assembly.

Slowly a squirrel came out of the tree hole, moved up on the branches of the tree, ate some soft leaves and then took a long glide in front of us. We could see the full picture of the squirrel from its bottom very well. Awesome! It was nearly 75 metres beautiful glide and passing through the branches of trees by a nocturnal squirrel in front of us in dusk at 7.20 pm at Kevadi on 15 April 2016. Nobody could click the camera, as the animal disappeared in just 5-7 seconds.

Everyday it moves out from a hole, move for a minute on the branches of the tree to eat the soft leaves, goes to the upper branch and then take a flight beautifully to come down by gliding against the gravitational force of the earth. Nature has given it a net between front and rear legs so that it works like a wing or a support to glide. They again go up on a tree and again glide. Whole night they move in the jungle for their food. And before the dawn returned to the hole of their native tree.

It is called "flying squirrel", one of the wonder of nature that people can see in the interior areas of a tribal district of Chotaudepur. There are only 6 squirrels living in two trees of the Forest Guest House, Kevadi, an Eco Tourism Centre. There is a group of a dozen squirrels living in Ratanmahal forests of Panchmahals. It has a life line of 4-5 years and it gives babies 1 or 2 in January every year. It is a nocturnal animal, vegetarian, survive on leaves and fruits.

Chatur, 4 feet, 40 kg, our Nayaka Chokidar is watching the animal for many years. When he came with a bitter smell of liquor, I asked him, have you drank Mahuva? No Sir, I drank tadi in the afternoon, he replied. Tribal drink tadi everyday. If drank in the morning, the drink Nira has a nutritive value. It gives cooling to the body in hot summer. But with the Sunlight, it becomes Tadi, a toxic drink in the afternoon.

In a social hierarchy of tribal, Nayakas are coming below the Rathavas. Rathavas are the land owners and Nayakas are the labourers. Rathvas eat halal and Nayaka eat halal and dead too. Eating dead animals decides their social inequality. The religious organizations of Kabir panthi, Swadhyay Parivar, Swaminarayan, etc, are making the tribal "bhagat", freeing them from drinking liquor and eating meat.

In South Gujarat, their social hierarchy starts with Dhodia Patel at the top, followed by Chaudhary, Vasava, Gamit, Konkana, Bhil, Kathodia, Kotvalia/Vansfodia respectively in descending order. Tadi reminded me the act of Gandhi and Morarjibhai, cutting of tadi trees from South Gujarat for tribal welfare. Shri Narayan Guru in Kerala made the tadi toders free from this toxic drink and upgraded their social status through education.

It was a Ramnavmi night, moon was shining more in a pollution free area of Kevadi. The stars were twinkling, and little clouds were making a beautiful white circle around the moon. We went to a nearby site below the hill. Forest department has made a water hole for the wild animal. The family of Sloth bears living in the den on the top of the hill come down at around 8.30 pm everyday. One after another we saw two members of their family. One crossed the road in front of us and another passed through it's daily route. We had a German made torch of 2000 metre range, that made the watching of beautiful omnivores dark black animals the Sloth bears easy. We could see it's two eyes reflecting against the light. Sometimes, the Panther comes. We waited for another 15 minutes, but at last return to the guest house to close the day.

This area is rich in Mahuva forest. The flowering season if Mahuva is over, now the fruiting started. They store flowers and eat as meal and make liquor. The liquor is an orthopedic use for external massage, can use as an alternative of anesthesia, treat cold and cough. There is prohibition, therefore, no tourists can enjoy the 'mahuva liquor' !!!

The Mahuva fruits will be used by tribal for making edible oil, called "doliyu" for cooking their meals. It is a medicine for joint pains. My mother used to describe the poverty with a proverb made from this doliyu: karam ma lakhyu karsaniya, jane koni javu? karam ma lakhyu doliyu, to ghee kyathi khavu? Tribal use now other oils too. Development has reached to their homes!

Kevadi in Gujarati means how much? Small or big? The place is small but site is big in watching the Flying Squirrels, Sloth Bears, Jarakh (wolf), Pangolin, and by chance a Panther.

Are you tempted? Don't worry,  2 rooms of forest guest house, 4 cottages and 2 tent rooms of ETC will take care of your rest and accommodation. The tribal food is delicious, particularly the Dhebara of Udad daal with red chatani of Chilly-Garlic are the tastiest. And the most important part is the joy with Nature.

Flying Squirrel, Sloth Bear and Mahuva Cheers!!! Lol.

Do visit Kevadi, the Eco Tourism Centre of Chotaudepur District of Gujarat.

16 April 2016
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