Friday, April 24, 2015

Happiness of Life

Happiness of Life

Millions of years, all creatures including human are in search of Happiness. Humans are searching it at home, in society, at service place, with friends, in food, in sex, in children, in gym, in money, in power, in prestige, in social media, in travel, ....Humans haven't left a single stone unturned in search of Happiness.

Samskrit, the most scientific and mother of many languages of India has given us lessons through Subhashits.

My mother used to tell us, "पहेलु सुख जाते नर्या, बीजु सुख कोठीए जुवार; त्रीजु सुख सुलक्षणी नार, चोथु सुख बालगोपाल।" (good health, enough food, spouse with all good qualities and children are the four happiness in sequence of a man's life).

If you have all these four then you are one of the happiest persons on the earth.

Good morning.

24 April 2015

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